The City of Atlanta Decriminalizes Marijuana Possession
The City of Atlanta Decriminalizes Marijuana Possession
The Atlanta City Council voted on Monday, 10/2/17, to decriminalize marijuana possession with a unanimous decision. With a 15-0 vote, the Full City Council passed the proposed law and it is now headed for Mayor Kasim Reed. The Mayor of Atlanta will have 8 days to sign or veto the bill. If he signs it, it will become city law. Atlanta Weed is what we need and the Mayor seemed to Tweet in support of the new legislation, let us hope he follow through on his word. The citizens of Atlanta have been waiting a long time for this day.

Weed Is Not Legal In Atlanta, Yet!
Even if Mayor Kasim Reed signs the new law decriminalizing marijuana it does not make weed legal in Atlanta. The new reformation will lower the penalties for being caught in possession of Marijuana in the city limits of Atlanta, GA.
Here is what you need to know:
- You can and will still be prosecuted for a D.U.I. (that does not change)
- Imprisonment will be removed for people caught with less than 1oz of Marijuana (that means no jail time for those are have less than an ounce of weed on them)
- Current Laws State a Punishable Fine of up-to $1,000! This would change to $75!!!
- Those caught with less than 1 ounce of weed would essentially receive a citation, similar to a traffic ticket.
Atlanta Weed
This does not make weed legal in Atlanta, but it is a huge step forward in the right direction. The majority of marijuana possession arrests were for less than an ounce of weed. So instead of facing 6 months in Jail, up-to $1,000 Fine and having to pay for bail, an attorney and court fees, you will now be served with a citation/ticket. No Jail Time, up-to a $75 Fine! I repeat, NO JAIL, NO COURT, NO ATTORNEY!!! This is huge news for the City of Atlanta when it comes to reforming their out-of-date laws on marijuana possession. Atlanta Weed is still not Legal it just just no longer a jail-able offense.

View The Ordinance Here!
You can also download the New Atlanta Weed Marijuana Proposed Ordinance Below via PDF
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